ROMA ARCHEOLOGIA e RESTAURO ARCHITETTURA: Prof. James E. Packer, “The Column of Trajan: the topographical and cultural contexts,” JRA 21.(2008): 471-78 [PDF pp. 1-9].

Fonte / source:

— Prof. James E. Packer, “The Column of Trajan: the topographical and cultural contexts,” JRA 21.(2008), pp. 471-78 [PDF pp. 1-9].

In: Andrea M. Berlin, James R. Wiseman Chair in Classical Archaeology
Department of Archaeology, Boston University (2013).…


— ROMA ARCHEOLOGIA: “TAV. Reg. VIII, I FORI IMPERIALI c.d MERCATI DI TRAIANO,” in: Atlante di Roma Antica (2012) – Andrea Carandini ospite di Corrado Augias,’ LIBERIA EINAUDI, (05/02/2013). [VIDEO 23:56].

— ROMA ARCHEOLOGIA – “L’ Auditorium di Adriano & Il Tempio dei Divi Traiano”: Dott.ssa P. Baldassarri (maggio 2012), vs. Dott. F. Cavallero (sett.- Ott. 2011).

— ROMA ARCHEOLOGIA & ARCHITETTURA: Il Foro di Traiano | Tempio Divi Traiano (Prof. James E. Packer [1973-2003] & Mr. John Burge [2001-06]), in: Prof. Diane Kliener, ‘Civic Architecture in Rome under Trajan,’ YALE UNIVERSITY (2009) [VIDEO 1:11:33]. [02/2013]

— Rome, the Imperial Fora, & the Temple of Trajan, two of the reconstructions based upon the research by Dr. Roberto Meneghini as of early 1998 (top) & later revised in 2009 & 2007 (bottom), [03/2010].